Entrepreneurial Inclination Assessment

Welcome to your Entrepreneurial Inclination Assessment

This assessment is to measure how much you are inclined towards starting and running your own business – i.e. do you have the internal ‘gifting’ and way you think to give you the best chance of making a success in your own business.

YOU CANNOT PASS OR FAIL. Each question has a some listed answers. Just select the option that you think answers the question the best. For most questions there is a next to the answers. Here you select only 1 answer. For other questions there is a next to all the answers. For these questions select AS MANY ANSWERS AS YOU THINK  will answer the question.

All the best as you work through all the questions!!

Once you have completed the assessment you will be asked to type in your details. This is so that we can verify your results, give you your score and e-mail it to you as well.




